TM31 Terminal Module
TM31 Terminal Module
With the TM31 Terminal Module, the number of available digital inputs and outputs and the number of analog input and outputs within a drive can be expanded.
The TM31 Terminal Module also features relay outputs with changeover contact and a temperature sensor input.
The following are located on the TM31 Terminal Module:
8 digital inputs
4 bidirectional digital inputs/outputs
2 relay outputs with changeover contact
2 analog inputs
2 analog outputs
1 temperature sensor input for KTY84‑130, Pt1000 or PTC (Pt1000 can be used from firmware V4.7 HF17 and higher)
2 DRIVE‑CLiQ sockets
1 connection for the electronics power supply via the 24 V DC supply connector
1 PE/protective conductor connection
The status of the TM31 Terminal Module is indicated via a multi-color LED.
The TM31 Terminal Module can be snapped onto a TH 35 standard mounting rail in accordance with EN 60715 (IEC 60715).
The signal cable shield can be attached to the TM31 Terminal Module via a shield connection terminal, e.g. type SK8 supplied by Phoenix Contact or type KLBÜ CO 1 supplied by Weidmüller. The shield connection terminal must not be used as a strain relief mechanism.
The TM31 Terminal Module can communicate via DRIVE‑CLiQ with the following Control Units.
CU310‑2 Control Unit
CU320‑2 Control Unit
SINUMERIK Control Unit
SIMOTION D Control Unit
Connection example of TM31 Terminal Module
TM31 端子板卡
TM31 端子模块还具有与转换触点的继电器输出和温度传感器输入的功能。
在终端模块 TM31 上提供有以下接口:
8 路数字量输入
4 路双向数字路输入/输出
2 路带转换触点的继电器输出
2 路模拟量输入
2 路模拟量输出
1 路温度传感器输入(KTY84-130 或 PTC)
2 个 DRIVE-CLiQ 插座
1 个电子装置电源接口,通过 24 V DC 电源连接器连接
1 PE/保护接地连接
TM31 端子模块可安装在符合 EN 60715 (IEC 60715) 标准的 TH 35 导轨上。
信号电缆屏蔽可以借助一个屏蔽线接线端子连接在终端模块 TM31 上,例如 Phoenix Contact 型号的 SK8 ,或者Weidmüller 型号的KLBÜ接线端子在失去弹性时不能再使用。
端子模块 TM31 的状态通过一个多色 LED 来显示。
端子模块 TM31 通过 DRIVE-CliQ 与控制器 CU320-2 进行通讯。
TM31 端子模块的典型连接
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