全国服务热线 195****8569


发布:2022-11-22 09:52,更新:2024-01-07 08:08


SIMATIC S7-1500, 数字输出模块 DQ 16x230V AC/1A ST;TRIAC; 16 通道,分成组,每组 2; 2A 每组; 替换值: 前连接器(螺栓端子 或推拉式)单独订购

浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司 经营理念是:以质量求生存,以诚信谋发展。




TM31 端子板卡



TM31 端子模块还具有与转换触点的继电器输出和温度传感器输入的功能。


在终端模块 TM31 上提供有以下接口:

  • 8 路数字量输入

  • 4 路双向数字路输入/输出

  • 2 路带转换触点的继电器输出

  • 2 路模拟量输入

  • 2 路模拟量输出

  • 1 路温度传感器输入(KTY84-130 或 PTC)

  • 2 个 DRIVE-CLiQ 插座

  • 1 个电子装置电源接口,通过 24 V DC 电源连接器连接

  • 1 PE/保护接地连接

TM31 端子模块可安装在符合 EN 60715 (IEC 60715) 标准的 TH 35 导轨上。

信号电缆屏蔽可以借助一个屏蔽线接线端子连接在终端模块 TM31 上,例如 Phoenix Contact 型号的 SK8 ,或者Weidmüller 型号的KLBÜ接线端子在失去弹性时不能再使用。

端子模块 TM31 的状态通过一个多色 LED 来显示。


端子模块 TM31 通过 DRIVE-CliQ 与控制器 CU320-2 进行通讯。

TM31 端子模块的典型连接

TM54F Terminal Module


TM54F Terminal Module

The TM54F Terminal Module is a dual-processor I/O interface with four fail-safe digital outputs and ten fail-safe digital inputs for utilization of the Safety Integrated functions of the SINAMICS drive system via external actuators and sensors.

Every available safety function integrated in the drive can be controlled via the fail-safe digital inputs on the TM54F Terminal Module. In the event that the parameterized safety functions of several drives operated together on a Control Unit are to be executed together, then these drives can be grouped in the TM54F Terminal Module. The advantage of this approach is that only one fail-safe digital input needs to be connected for these drives.

The fail-safe digital inputs and outputs have two channels and are redundantly configured with an internal data cross-check using the two processors. A fail-safe digital output consists of one P‑switching and one M‑switching output as well as one digital input to read back the switching state. A fail-safe digital input consists of two digital inputs.

Safety sensors can be connected over two switchable 24 V sensor supplies and can be evaluated over the fail-safe digital inputs. The switchable 24 V sensor supply ensures that the fail-safe digital inputs can be dynamized to detect dormant errors (this dynamization is used to check the shutdown paths). An unswitchable 24 V sensor supply is additionally provided by the TM54F Terminal Module for connecting undynamizable safety sensors.

The TM54F Terminal Module must be directly connected to a Control Unit via a DRIVE‑CLiQ cable. Only one TM54F Terminal Module can be assigned to each Control Unit. It is not permissible to make the TM54F connection via another DRIVE‑CLiQ device, e.g. a Power Module, a Motor Module or a Line Module.


  • 地址:上海松江 上海市松江区石湖荡镇塔汇路755弄29号1幢一层A区213室
  • 邮编:201600
  • 电话:195****8569
  • 经理:吴悦
  • 手机:195****8569
  • QQ:2810544350
  • Email:2810544350@qq.com